Since 2012, the organization has been part of the team from Northeast - Group for Sustainable Development Promotion, which has been carrying out the Compensatory Measures for the Hydroelectric Use of Baixo Sabor, funded by EDP.
20 August, 2012
Northeast Group

The Northeast - Group for Sustainable Development Promotion is constituted by Palombar - Nature and the Rural Heritage Conservation, by AEPGA - Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle and by APFNT - Association of Forest Producers of the Northeast of Trás-os-Montes.
It aims to bring to life an intervention model that links Nature conservation with agriculture and sustainable forestry and promotes local community involvement and streamlines the integrated development of rural zones in the valleys of the Sabor and Maçãs rivers, which are inserted in the Special Protection Zone (SPA) Rios Sabor e Maças.
Partners AEPGA e APFNT
Territory Northeast of Trás-os-Montes region
It aims to bring to life an intervention model that links Nature conservation with agriculture and sustainable forestry and promotes local community involvement and streamlines the integrated development of rural zones in the valleys of the Sabor and Maçãs rivers, which are inserted in the Special Protection Zone (SPA) Rios Sabor e Maças.
Partners AEPGA e APFNT
Territory Northeast of Trás-os-Montes region