
  • Biodiversity Hotspot

Biodiversity Hotspot

Micro-reserve to safeguard biodiversity in the SCI Sabor and Maçãs Rivers 

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In 2019, the Biodiversity HotSpot project was approved by the Environmental Fund, which is developed by Palombar and AEPGA in the SCI Sabor and Maçãs Rivers.

4 September, 2019

Biodiversity Hotspot

Biodiversity Hotspot
The Biodiversity HotSpot is a project of AEPGA - Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle developed in partnership with Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation which aims to restore and promote the safeguarding of biodiversity in the Site of Community Importance (SCI) Sabor and Maçãs Rivers of the Natura 2000 Network, covered by the municipalities of Vimioso and Mogadouro, through the creation of a micro-reserve where conservation measures will be applied in priority habitats, ecological restoration in artificial areas and environmental education campaigns.

Partner AEPGA
Territory SIC Rios Sabor e Maçãs da Rede Natura 2000
Funding Environmental Fund - Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition