Since the academic year of 2016/2017, Palombar has been a partner in the practical component of the project Junto à Terra (JaT), an environmental education project aimed at school communities that ensued from an EDP strategy to mitigate the impact on biodiversity resulting from the Baixo Sabor and Foz Tua hydroelectric plants.
2 October, 2016
Junto à Terra - EDP

Junto à Terra (JaT) is an environmental education project aimed at school communities that ensued from an EDP - Portuguese electric utilities company strategy to mitigate the impact on biodiversity following the hydroelectric projects of Baixo Sabor and Foz Tua. It is an instrument to involve local communities, with the ability to bring people and human activities into the equation of nature and biodiversity conservation.
JaT, an EDP project, is an education tool for sustainability that aims to contribute to the construction of a skills profile for young people, based on the valorization of the territory and the wealth of natural heritage as factors of socioeconomic development.
JaT had its pilot phase in the territory of Baixo Sabor (JaT Sabor), where, throughout the academic years of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, it was built, tested and matured in didactic-pedagogical actions of the three strands/stages (practical, theoretical and tab), with an active involvement of all project partners (schools, municipalities, and other public, private or civil society organizations). In the academic year of 2018/2019, in addition to its 3rd edition in the territory of Baixo Sabor, it was the 1st edition in the Foz Tua (JaT Tua) region.
Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation has, since the beginning, been a partner in the practical component of the JaT project.
Coordination EDP
Territory Baixo Sabor and Tua Valley
JaT, an EDP project, is an education tool for sustainability that aims to contribute to the construction of a skills profile for young people, based on the valorization of the territory and the wealth of natural heritage as factors of socioeconomic development.
JaT had its pilot phase in the territory of Baixo Sabor (JaT Sabor), where, throughout the academic years of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, it was built, tested and matured in didactic-pedagogical actions of the three strands/stages (practical, theoretical and tab), with an active involvement of all project partners (schools, municipalities, and other public, private or civil society organizations). In the academic year of 2018/2019, in addition to its 3rd edition in the territory of Baixo Sabor, it was the 1st edition in the Foz Tua (JaT Tua) region.
Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation has, since the beginning, been a partner in the practical component of the JaT project.
Coordination EDP
Territory Baixo Sabor and Tua Valley