


Protecting and conserving the red kite in Europe 

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In 2022, Palombar signed a collaboration agreement with the LIFE EUROKITE project, whose main objective is to promote the protection and conservation of the red kite in Europe, in a transboundary approach and with a focus on reducing the mortality of the species associated with anthropic threats, using telemetry. 

19 May, 2022


In May 2022, Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation signed a collaboration agreement with the LIFE EUROKITE project, coordinated by the Central European Society for Raptor Protection (MEGEG) and the Technical Office for Biology Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab (TB Raab).

This project aims to promote the protection and conservation of the red kite (Milvus milvus) in Europe, in a transboundary approach and with a focus on reducing the mortality of the species associated with anthropogenic threats, through the use of telemetry, more precisely through the marking of individuals with GPS devices.

The red kite is a threatened and legally protected species in Portugal, with the resident population classified as 'Critically Endangered' and the wintering population as 'Vulnerable', according to the Red Book of Vertebrates of Portugal.

Also target species of the project are the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), the eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), and the black kite (Milvus migrans).

The main objectives of LIFE EUROKITE are:
  • To significantly reduce the impact of poisoning (reduction of the number of poisoning cases by 5% at EU level) on target species;
  • Identification and resolution of problematic cases of electrocution/collision with human infrastructure;
  • Reduction of species mortality from other anthropogenic causes;
  • Strengthening the red kite population in Spain.
Photo credits
Red kite (banner) Bill Tyne/Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
White-tailed eagle Yathin S Krishnappa (Own work)/Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Eastern imperial eagle AngMoKio (Deutsche Greifenwarte - Burg Guttenberg)/Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 2.5

Territory Europa