In 2021, Palombar signed a collaboration agreement with CIBIO-InBIO - Research Centre on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Associated Laboratory of the University of Porto, under the international project LIFEPLAN - A Planetary Inventory of Life, coordinated by the University of Helsinki, Finland.
4 Mars, 2021
LIFEPLAN: collaboration with CIBIO-InBIO

In the context of the collaboration with CIBIO-InBIO, Palombar will be responsible for carrying out sampling campaigns for the LIFEPLAN project, which will take place between 2021 and 2027, during which samples and information on biodiversity in Northeast Portugal will be collected.
The main objective of the LIFEPLAN project is to collect information on biodiversity at a global level, in order to obtain data on the current state of biological diversity in the world, with the aim of creating analysis models that make it possible to assess the current situation and predict changes under different future scenarios.
It is also a purpose to gather data and knowledge to generate and interpret a large ecological data set ("Big Ecological Data") and to elaborate a global synthesis of biotic patterns on the planet, combining community ecology, methods for automated species recognition and Bayesian statistical modelling.
The LIFEPLAN project will characterise biological diversity through a worldwide sampling programme and molecular, bioinformatics and statistical approaches. The aim is to obtain a large dataset of global biodiversity collected in a systematic and standardised way for a wide variety of taxonomic groups worldwide.
International coordination University of Helsinki (Finland)
Territory Northeast Portugal
The main objective of the LIFEPLAN project is to collect information on biodiversity at a global level, in order to obtain data on the current state of biological diversity in the world, with the aim of creating analysis models that make it possible to assess the current situation and predict changes under different future scenarios.
It is also a purpose to gather data and knowledge to generate and interpret a large ecological data set ("Big Ecological Data") and to elaborate a global synthesis of biotic patterns on the planet, combining community ecology, methods for automated species recognition and Bayesian statistical modelling.
The LIFEPLAN project will characterise biological diversity through a worldwide sampling programme and molecular, bioinformatics and statistical approaches. The aim is to obtain a large dataset of global biodiversity collected in a systematic and standardised way for a wide variety of taxonomic groups worldwide.
International coordination University of Helsinki (Finland)
Territory Northeast Portugal