
  • MammalNet: Collaboration with IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM

MammalNet: Collaboration with IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM

iMammalia in PT - the app for recording European wild mammals 

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iMammalia App - PT version. In October 2021, Palombar established a collaboration with the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, in Spain, under the European project MammalNet, being responsible for the translation and adaptation of the iMammalia app to Portuguese.

8 October, 2021

MammalNet: Collaboration with IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM

MammalNet: Collaboration with IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM
The non-governmental environmental organisation Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation carried out a collaboration with the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM), in Spain, in October 2021 as part of the European MammalNet project.

This project, which is part of a consortium of European academic and research institutions, is coordinated by IREC and funded by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

MammalNet's main objective is to enhance the potential of citizen science and applied open science in the monitoring of European wild mammals. It promotes collaboration between researchers and citizens to improve the knowledge, management and conservation of mammals in Europe. Under this project, three applications (app) have been developed: iMammalia (mobile app), MammalWeb (web app) and Agouti (web app).

Through the collaboration established with IREC, Palombar was responsible for the translation and adaptation of the iMammalia application to Portuguese.

Download the app and select the Portuguese language:


iMammalia App available in Portuguese: download and contribute to science by watching wildlife

What is the iMammalia app?
It is an app for mobile devices that allows anyone to easily record observations of European wild mammals in their natural habitat, by sending photographs of the animals and/or their evidence of presence or without photographic record. It is a simple and intuitive app and it is not necessary to have specific knowledge to use it, since the images/information sent are later validated by experts. The app includes information and photographs that help to identify the different species of European mammals. The user can see their records and those of other users inserted in a map.

What is the purpose of the data shared through the app?
The observation data shared through this app are mainly used to map the occurrence and spatial and temporal distribution of wild mammals in Europe.

What will the data from the mammal observation records contribute to?
All information shared by the community through this application will be available in freely accessible databases in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and will be fundamental to promote greater knowledge, better management and monitoring, more research and conservation of wild mammals in Europe. GBIF is an international data aggregator network that aims to provide open access data on biodiversity on the planet. It makes scientific data on biodiversity available through web services. The mammal observation record data shared through the app will thus contribute to open and applied science.

MammalWeb and Agouti Apps
In addition to the iMammalia app, the MammalNet project has developed two other apps: MammalWeb, a web app that helps classify images recorded by camera traps. Users can also collaborate by sending images from their own cameras. And the Agouti app, which is designed to help researchers and natural resource managers manage the sampling and images recorded from camera traps. This app allows data to be organised, exported and shared on GBIF and other data platforms, thus facilitating and promoting open science.

Photo credits
European badger (banner) Trond Sætre Stegarud (Own work)/Wikimedia Commons
Red fox Martin Mecnarowski (Own work)/Wikimedia Commons
Red deer Luc Viatour/Wikimedia Commons

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