
  • Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?

Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?

Iberian event to lay the foundations for future cross-border actions for the conservation of the brown bear in Portugal 

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Palombar organized, in October 2021, the 'Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?', an Iberian event whose main objective was to debate in advance what may be one of the great challenges of nature conservation in Portugal: the potential return of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) to the north of the country and its coexistence with humans, and to lay the foundations for future cross-border actions for the conservation of the species on national territory. 

28 October, 2021

Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?

Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?
Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation organized, on 28th and 29th October 2021, together with the Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle (AEPGA), the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF), the Municipality of Bragança (MB) and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), the 'Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?' an Iberian event whose main objective was to debate in advance what may be one of the great challenges of nature conservation in Portugal: the potential return of the brown bear to the north of the country and its coexistence with humans.

Supported by the European Commission's "Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process" initiative, this event promoted knowledge sharing among Iberian partners and experts with extensive experience in the management and conservation of the brown bear.

The Networking Event aims to create the foundations for future conservation actions for the brown bear in Portugal; to promote the articulation with Spain in an Iberian approach to the conservation of this species and to encourage cross-border cooperation and knowledge sharing in this area.

Photo credits
Brown bear
(Banner) Frank Vassen/Wikimedia Commons
Magnus Johansson/Wikimedia Commons
Malene Thyssen (Own work)/Wikimedia Commons

Coordination Palombar
Territory North Portugal
Support Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process