
  • PALOMBAR SP2.P5/02


Recovery and enhancement of traditional dovecotes

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Implementation of the Palombar project - SP2.P5 / 02 - Recovery and Enhancement of Traditional Dovecotes, promoted by CoraNE, within the scope of Interreg III A. Cross-Border Cooperation.

20 August, 2002

Palombar SP2.P5/02

Palombar SP2.P5/02
Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation was part of a project promoted by CoraNE - Association for the Development of Municipalities of Raia Nordestina within the scope of Interreg III, a Cross-Border Cooperation. At stake was a project that aimed to promote the recovery and enhancement of traditional dovecotes in the Transmontano Northeast region. The strategic axis of the project is the valorization, promotion and environmental conservation of the patrimonial and natural resources in its intervention area.

Partner CoraNE
Territory Transmontano Northeast region
Funding European Union