Recovery of five traditional dovecotes within the scope of the Compensatory Measures of the Mogadouro - Valeira Line, financed by REN - National Electricity Grids.
17 August, 2007
Traditional dovecotes - REN

Within the scope of the Compensatory Measures of the Mogadouro - Valeira Line implemented by REN - National Electricity Grids, Palombar - Nature and Heritage Rural Conservation recovered and maintains five traditional dovecotes in the Northeast Transmontano region.
The recovery of these buildings, using traditional construction techniques, is essential to promote the preservation of constructed rural heritage and the biodiversity conservation in the region.
Territory Northeast Transmontano region
Funding REN - National Electricity Grids
The recovery of these buildings, using traditional construction techniques, is essential to promote the preservation of constructed rural heritage and the biodiversity conservation in the region.
Territory Northeast Transmontano region
Funding REN - National Electricity Grids