
  • Sentinels - Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife

Sentinels - Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife

Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems 

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The Environmental Fund approves Palombar's application 'Evaluation of the Vulnerability of Wildlife to Illegal Use of Poisons and Reinforcement of the Sentinels Network against Threats to Wildlife', developed in partnership with the University of Oviedo in Spain, which has reinforced the Sentinels project started in 2019 to create a Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife.

25 September, 2020

Sentinels - Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife

Sentinels - Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife
The Environmental Fund - Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action approved, in September 2020, the application/project of Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation entitled 'Evaluation of the Vulnerability of Wildlife to Illegal Use of Poisons and Reinforcement of the Sentinels Network against Threats to Wildlife', which has the University of Oviedo, in Spain, as a partner.

This application has strengthened the Sentinels project started in 2019, which is creating a Threat Monitoring Network for Wild Fauna. The merger between these two Palombar projects is the basis for the creation of an extended and robust network for the detection of threats against wildlife species in Portugal, encompassing interdisciplinary tools and methods for monitoring and risk assessment in this area. The main goal is to ensure the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.

The Sentinels project has three components:
  • Monitor, through marking with GPS devices, sentinel species of birds and mammals that are most affected by various forms of illegal persecution, as well as by other types of threats of anthropic origin;
  • Assess the vulnerability of wildlife species to the illegal use of poisons;
  • Analyse the social perceptions and tolerance levels of different interest groups towards wildlife species.

Partner University of Oviedo
Territory Natura 2000 Network/National Network of Protected Areas
Funding Environmental Fund - Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action